
‣ R.C.C. —BC省注册临床咨询师
‣ Dr. TCM — BC省注册高级中医师
‣ M. Ed. — UBC 教育学系心理咨询硕士
‣ DTCM — 中医师学位证书
‣ BC省中医和针灸师协会会员
‣ 美国语境行为科学协会会员(ACBS)
‣ EDxTM – 高级能量心理学治疗师
‣ 身心咨询治疗师
我是在温哥华执业的心理咨询师, 也是一名注册高级中医师。自从2001 年以来,我对于用中医针灸治疗心理和情绪问题进行了深入和广泛的学习培训。我的特殊的职业背景让我能用心理咨询和中医,针灸为您提供身心整合的治疗。尤其对于抑郁,焦虑,慢性压力综合症有很好的疗效。十几年来,我一直致力于以身心整合的方式来帮助病人恢复身心健康,走出抑郁焦虑,争取更有意义的生活。
我在许多学校和组织做过有关中医治疗心理情绪疾病的讲座和工作坊。2006年,我被邀请参加了魁北克省的 Waskagnish 印第安社区的传统疗愈会议,成为访问该地的第一位中医师。我的有关中医治疗抑郁症的文章被刊登在全加拿大发行的报纸 Katou上,我的工作也被温哥华的报纸 Georgia Straight所报道。我还曾在温哥华国际中医学院担任过学院诊所的临床导师,带领学生对病人进行针灸和中药的治疗。

I am a registered clinical counsellor (R.C.C.) practicing in Vancouver, B.C., with a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology from University of British Columbia. I am also a registered doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Dr. TCM) and have been practicing as a registered acupuncturist and registered Dr. of TCM. since 2001. I have pursued extensive training in Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, focusing on treating mental and emotional issues.
I am dedicated to helping you to improve your mental health and to live a life with ease, vitality and meaning. For more than a decade, I have been helping people who experience anxiety, depression, stress disorders, past trauma, and chronic health issues to get on a path of physical and emotional well-being.
In the past, I have also had the opportunity working with people with alcohol and drug addictions and concurrent mental health issues in a residential setting. I helped clients from diverse background with challenges such as life transition, grief and loss, shame, trauma recovery, relationship issues, and chronic health issues. As an immigrant myself, with firsthand knowledge of the challenges that immigrants experience and with powerful therapeutic tools, I help them to transition more smoothly, adjust, and thrive in a different culture. Besides working with individual clients, I also facilitated mindfulness groups, education groups, and therapy groups.
In my work, I use both ancient, time-tested healing modalities like Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, and modern evidence-based therapy modalities like ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Over the years, I have given talks and workshops extensively on the topic of treating mental health issues such as anxiety and depression with acupuncture and TCM. Recently, I have given several talks on the topic of self-care and dealing with self-criticism with ACT. My practice of using TCM and acupuncture to treat depression was featured in The Georgia Straight.
My long-term Zen meditation practice allows me to be present, compassionate, and engaged with my clients. I utilize the powerful tool of mindfulness to help you manage the “monkey mind” and cultivate peace and ease in your life. My love of nature and art also nourish me and inspire my practice.
Accreditation and Professional Development
‣ R.C.C. — Registered Clinical Counsellor with BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC)
‣ Dr. TCM — Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine with College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of BC (CTCMA)
‣ M. Ed. — Master of Education in counselling psychology from UBC
‣ DTCM — Diploma in Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
‣ Member of British Columbia Association of TCM & Acupuncture Practitioners (ATCMA)
‣ Member of Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS)
‣ Certified Practitioner of Advanced Energy Psychology — EDxTM
‣ Body and Mind counselling
‣ Certified leader of Living a Healthy life with Chronic Conditions workshops